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Great Great Grandparents taken in a booth at the county fair. Abt 1950
German Chancellor Adolf Hitler announces Germany’s resignation from the League of Nations in a radio address to the German people. This was followed by a referendum with the majority approving. (October 1933)(783×1080)
My mother and her three sisters on a ship to or from Ireland (from US), late 1940’s
My great grandparents on their 65th wedding anniversary April 23, 1981. They were married 72 years until she passed in May 1988.
A Cossack policeman, to the amusement of Hungarian soldiers, slashes a captured Soviet partisan with a saber, occupied Ukraine SSR, September 1941 (800×607)
The Addis Wedding Set, 1985
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Barbu Lăutaru, a Romanian singer who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1852.
Girls matching Winter sets and gifts from Sears Wish Book, 1946
Satirical “wanted” poster for Brazilian Communist and anti-military dictatorship guerrila leader Carlos Marighella, late 1960s.
“This could be your daughter,” 1960s USA
(post 2) Women in arms: an armed nurse on the white side of the Finnish civil war, 1918
Jell-O Pudding and Pie Filling – Coconut Cream Style, 1955
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