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Jozef Tiso, the former president of the Slovak Republic during WW2, in court arguing his defense that he doesn’t remember anything as president. He was later hanged for war crimes and state treason (1947)(1280×1280)
‘This could be your daughter’ Racist propaganda poster accusing Jews of being communists, 1960s, USA
My sister, Rocki turns 70 today.
“I was the executioner of Poles at Bayers (factory) in 1939′ German concentration camp commandant, Adolf Wilhelms, forced to hold a sign before his execution in Poland, April 1945 (800×800)
A Chinese propaganda poster about Japan circa 2020.
My grandmother did magazine modeling in the 1940s. Here’s one of the old photos I’ve found.
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Jean Shepherd at NYC’s Limelight in 1965. Photo Courtesy: Dave Michelsohn
88-year-old Otto Frank (1889-1980) inaugurating the Statue of Anne Frank, Amsterdam 1977
Insurance by North America
Museum of Science in Boston, Halloween Party, Youngsters Wear ET Mask (Friday, Oct. 29, 1982) (photo: Mike Kullen)
William Jennings Bryan (left), Democratic nominee for President, on the campaign trail with his wife and assistant, Mary, in Crestline, Ohio, August 1896
The Gibb family with Andy but not Lesley as I presume she was back in Australia when this was taken. Rear: Maurice, Barry and Robin. Front: Dad Hugh, Andy and Mom Barbara Gibb. 1970
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