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Russian President Boris Yeltsin, dancing at a rock concert. Rostov, 1996. (2011)
Soviet soldier photographed wearing an SN-42 Steel breastplate body armor with three bullet impacts
My great, great grandmother Virginia (Virgie) Cheatham Knox, circa 1898 Texas.
Stalin Punching Hitler (2000 Velery Barykin)
My grandmother did magazine modeling in the 1940s. Here’s one of the old photos I’ve found.
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Mark Nelson is measuring soil moisture next to a CO2 efflux device, Biosphere 2. Oracle, Arizona, United States. Marsh 18, 1993
1947: The fuselage of the ‘Spruce Goose’ (Hughes H-4 Hercules) making its way to final assembly in California.
A canal in Venice (Italy) being drained and cleaned using a Decauville railway and two camels, 1956
A local woman makes her own flour (Tehuantepec, Mexico 1952)
Canadian Liberal Leader Pierre Trudeau with his press secretary Suzanne Perry (Matthew Perry’s mother), Ottawa, February 1980, photographer Boris Spremo
Young German soldier WW2
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