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Russian President Boris Yeltsin, dancing at a rock concert. Rostov, 1996. (2011)
Soviet soldier photographed wearing an SN-42 Steel breastplate body armor with three bullet impacts
My great, great grandmother Virginia (Virgie) Cheatham Knox, circa 1898 Texas.
Stalin Punching Hitler (2000 Velery Barykin)
Closeup view of Martin B-26C in flight, 1944. Colorized.
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Breakfast cereal gives you sexist appeal
Early Brummbâr armoured infantry support guns (Sturmpanzer 43) transported by rail to the front, possibly summer 1943.
Protesters clash with police in front of the Gibert Joseph bookstore in Paris on May 6, 1968.
Three children dressed in costumes for the Day of the Three Kings celebration (Oaxaca, Mexico 1982)
Norway , 1979, Blockade against Alta hydroelectric project on traditional Sámi territories. The project was completed in 1987.
Weird rabbit kid.
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