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Soviet civilians in Moscow hearing the radio announcement that Germany has started the invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941)(900×1238)
My Great-Grandmother Peg in her wedding dress. Mid-1930s.
TIL that “there’s no such thing as a Nintendo.” (1990)
«I’m giving him up for adoption» 1987.
My nanna’s wedding in 1968, Abram, UK. She managed a home for people with disabilities & invited them to her wedding.
Inside the control room of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 1986.
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A Jack O’Lantern with a “V for Victory” face, cover of Colliers Magazine, November 6, 1943
Halloween in the 1930s.
Post Treat-Pak Halloween ad, 1958
Jewish mothers walking with children past the barracks and the electrified barbed wire destined for the gas chambers at Auschwitz on May 27th, 1944.
What a lucky bitch
Maria “Masha” Bruskina, a nurse with the Russian resistance, before her execution by hanging. The placard reads: “We are the partisans who shot German troops”, Minsk, 26 October 1941. She was 17.
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