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Soviet soldier photographed wearing an SN-42 Steel breastplate body armor with three bullet impacts
My great, great grandmother Virginia (Virgie) Cheatham Knox, circa 1898 Texas.
Stalin Punching Hitler (2000 Velery Barykin)
President George W. Bush signs the ‘No Child Left Behind’ Act in 2002, the last major overhaul to the federal Department of Education.
Teenager water skis as Mt St Helens erupts from behind. May 18, 1980 (555×680)
My grandmother, photobooth 1950s
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A Jack O’Lantern with a “V for Victory” face, cover of Colliers Magazine, November 6, 1943
Halloween in the 1930s.
Post Treat-Pak Halloween ad, 1958
Jewish mothers walking with children past the barracks and the electrified barbed wire destined for the gas chambers at Auschwitz on May 27th, 1944.
What a lucky bitch
Maria “Masha” Bruskina, a nurse with the Russian resistance, before her execution by hanging. The placard reads: “We are the partisans who shot German troops”, Minsk, 26 October 1941. She was 17.
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