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In 1936, fire consumed Great Britain’s massive Crystal Palace, a cast iron and plate glass structure built for the Great Exhibition of 1851
My Father would’ve turned 100 today. Here he is in his 20s
A ground-level angle of Tank Man, he is standing on the left. The Chang’an Avenue, Beijing, June 5th, 1989.
Meet Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble at the Catonville Supermart (1969)
Fetters (Nikolaya Bayev, 1967)
Journalist Ernie Pyle shortly after being killed by Japanese machine gun fire on Ie Shima, Okinawa. 18 April 1945.
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Coal miner’s child in grade school. Lejunior, Harlan County, Kentucky, 1946. National Archives, Russell Lee photographer
Nestle’s Instant Cocoa, 1960
The 1940 Nash by American Motors Corp., 1939
Junior Bazaar – Heather Separates from Sears, 1972
Workers clearing excavation rubble at Monte Alban, an archaeological site in Mexico (Oaxaca, Mexico 1964)
“Motor Vehicles are Taxed as Luxuries in New Zealand”, Automobile Association of New Zealand, pamphlet comparing taxes on motor vehicles to those on diamonds, 1933.
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