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Soviet civilians in Moscow hearing the radio announcement that Germany has started the invasion of the Soviet Union (June 22, 1941)(900×1238)
My Great-Grandmother Peg in her wedding dress. Mid-1930s.
TIL that “there’s no such thing as a Nintendo.” (1990)
«I’m giving him up for adoption» 1987.
My nanna’s wedding in 1968, Abram, UK. She managed a home for people with disabilities & invited them to her wedding.
Actor and martial arts star Jackie Chan at the benefit concert in Hong Kong in support of Tiananmen Square protesters – 1989
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Coal miner’s child in grade school. Lejunior, Harlan County, Kentucky, 1946. National Archives, Russell Lee photographer
Nestle’s Instant Cocoa, 1960
The 1940 Nash by American Motors Corp., 1939
Junior Bazaar – Heather Separates from Sears, 1972
Workers clearing excavation rubble at Monte Alban, an archaeological site in Mexico (Oaxaca, Mexico 1964)
“Motor Vehicles are Taxed as Luxuries in New Zealand”, Automobile Association of New Zealand, pamphlet comparing taxes on motor vehicles to those on diamonds, 1933.
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