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A few months before the annexation, Konrad Henlein and other Sudeten German Party members welcoming German Chancellor Adolf Hitler during his visit to the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, February 1938 (1000×1411)
“Trying to Change the Umpiring”, American anti-Roosevelt cartoon during his “Court-Packing” plan, 1937
C. 2009, Serbia. Poster commemorating ten years since downing F-117 that contributed to their early retirement
Japanese Kamikaze slamming into the side of a U.S. ship off the coast of Okinawa. May 1945
My wife’s dad 1941. He lost his life in 1944 a few days before Christmas during ‘The Battle of the Bulge’.
Hobo. My Halloween outfit in the early 1960’s!
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Klar zum gefecht…”Cleared for Action” (1915)
1976 Smokehouse Almonds Ad
USN Seaplane Tender USS Onslow (AVP-48) refueling a Martin PBM Mariner, December 1944.
Stuntman Jackie Paul lying between a bed of nails as the wheel of a 2.5 ton car is lowered on top of him, 26th September 1968
Qassem Soleimani killing a crocodile (USA) with an Iranian flag 🇮🇷 , 2020
Westinghouse Radio and Television, 1955
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