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My Father would’ve turned 100 today. Here he is in his 20s
A ground-level angle of Tank Man, he is standing on the left. The Chang’an Avenue, Beijing, June 5th, 1989.
Meet Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble at the Catonville Supermart (1969)
Fetters (Nikolaya Bayev, 1967)
My grandmother, 1940’s.
Marilyn Monroe in the after party of RFK birthday in the house of Arthur B. Krim and Dr. Mathilde Krim, New York, 19 of May of 1962
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Japanese anti-Vietnam War protesters throw stones at riot police at the occupied Shinjuku station in 1968.
1967 GE Ad
Bombs being brought to a TBF Avenger of United States Navy Torpedo Squadron VT-11 flying from Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, 1942. Note the pierced steel Marsden matting.
A ad for “Charlie Brown Thanksgiving” 1970s
Alfred of New York
President John F. Kennedy shaking hands in Florida on November 18th, 1963, just four days before his assassination
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