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Jozef Tiso, the former president of the Slovak Republic during WW2, in court arguing his defense that he doesn’t remember anything as president. He was later hanged for war crimes and state treason (1947)(1280×1280)
‘This could be your daughter’ Racist propaganda poster accusing Jews of being communists, 1960s, USA
My sister, Rocki turns 70 today.
“I was the executioner of Poles at Bayers (factory) in 1939′ German concentration camp commandant, Adolf Wilhelms, forced to hold a sign before his execution in Poland, April 1945 (800×800)
A Chinese propaganda poster about Japan circa 2020.
American presidential elections // Soviet Union // 1968
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Kids playing on the Lower Est Side, New York 1963.
Robert Crumb’s “Weirdo” magazine (1982) (NSFW Language)
”Moonlight Sonata” – Swiss cartoon (”Nebelspalter” magazine, artist: Jean Leffel) showing French Prime Minister Robert Schuman and Marianne, March 1948
”TOP THAT 10%” – American poster (issued by the United States War Savings Staff) showing a young woman going through her husband’s pants pocket, 1942
Congolese people part of an exhibit at the Africa Museum in Belgium, 1897
A photo of Diệm’s dead body in the back of an armored personnel carrier M-113 during the Assassination of President Diem and his brother Ngo, Nov. 2, 1963, South Vietnam.
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