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Russian President Boris Yeltsin, dancing at a rock concert. Rostov, 1996. (2011)
Soviet soldier photographed wearing an SN-42 Steel breastplate body armor with three bullet impacts
My great, great grandmother Virginia (Virgie) Cheatham Knox, circa 1898 Texas.
Stalin Punching Hitler (2000 Velery Barykin)
Rock & Roll singer Jerry Lee Lewis and his 14-year-old wife Myra Lewis are posing with their firstborn Steve Allen Lewis. Ferriday, Concordia Parish, Louisiana, United States. February 28, 1959
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Kids playing on the Lower Est Side, New York 1963.
Robert Crumb’s “Weirdo” magazine (1982) (NSFW Language)
”Moonlight Sonata” – Swiss cartoon (”Nebelspalter” magazine, artist: Jean Leffel) showing French Prime Minister Robert Schuman and Marianne, March 1948
”TOP THAT 10%” – American poster (issued by the United States War Savings Staff) showing a young woman going through her husband’s pants pocket, 1942
Congolese people part of an exhibit at the Africa Museum in Belgium, 1897
A photo of Diệm’s dead body in the back of an armored personnel carrier M-113 during the Assassination of President Diem and his brother Ngo, Nov. 2, 1963, South Vietnam.
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