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My wife’s dad 1941. He lost his life in 1944 a few days before Christmas during ‘The Battle of the Bulge’.
German glider troopers on an exercise charging from a DFS 230 glider upon landing
A Laffly AMD 50 armored car and Potez 25 TOE obervation plane during maneuvers of the French 192nd Division in the Jabal al-Druze region of southern Syria, April 1940
Serbian paramilitary commander Ratko Mladić distributes food to Bosnian women. While journalists were taking this photo of him, his men were slaughtering 8000 men and boys, relatives of those same women. Srebrenica, July 1995.
ROK Military Police, KPA POW’s, and civilians recovering the bodies of dead Koreans that were massacred by retreating KPA troops in Hamhung during the Korean War, 1950
89 year old Winston Churchill leaves the House of Commons for the last time. He was a member of Parliament for 64 years. July 27, 1964.
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Organize!, Bill Dobbs, 1985
Three members of the Haganah (the pre-independence Jewish militia in British Mandatory Palestine) escorting Palestinian Arabs out of Haifa after they were expelled from their homes, May 12, 1948.
British soldiers, captured in the Western Desert Campaign, at PG70 transit camp, Monte Urano, Italy. 1943.
Working on the map of “Great Israel”. Soviet propaganda poster from 1980s
1951 newspaper ad for the Green Ridge Turkey Farm in Nashua, New Hampshire! 🦃
Two astronauts laugh with Pad Leader Gunther Wendt at Kennedy Space Center a few hours before the launch of Apollo 14. The helmet was a ‘gag gift’ from the astronauts, referring to Wendt’s service in the Luftwaffe during World War 2. January 31, 1971.
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