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‘Scenes of July 1830’ by Léon Cogniet (1830), romanticizing the genesis of the Republican French flag, after the white flag of the French kings was torn by gunfire and drenched in blood.
My grandmother on a hike – 1923
The Japanese military delegation (one IJA officer and one IJN officer) attending the Red Square victory parade, June 24, 1945. The USSR was not at war with Japan, and Japan sent an awkward delegation to attend the ceremony commemorating the defeat of their German ally.
My Great Grandmother (Far left) With her sisters and Mom 1929
“No Germans” a Czech man and his restaurant in Massachusetts after Germany occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia, March 1939 (1000×767)
Group of soviet soldiers relaxing with one that has a German MP-40. 1941
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Borden’s Cream Cheese in ”Butter Dish” bars, 1960
”Area of Agreement – ATOMIC WAR COULD DESTROY CIVILIZATION – YOU SAID IT” – American cartoon made by Herbert Block (”The Washington Post”), April 1954
Starshells or other pyrotechnics over Iwo Jima, night of 19 Feb 1945,
“Before…” and “…After” – Palestinian Poster quoting the Balfour Declaration on its 100th Anniversary: “Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” by the Palestinian Mission to the UK (2017)
Choreographer George Balanchine and fans in Tblisi, Georgia, 1962
A Tiger I and two Camel Mk.IV walk into a bar in North Africa in 1943 and…
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