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My wife’s dad 1941. He lost his life in 1944 a few days before Christmas during ‘The Battle of the Bulge’.
German glider troopers on an exercise charging from a DFS 230 glider upon landing
A Laffly AMD 50 armored car and Potez 25 TOE obervation plane during maneuvers of the French 192nd Division in the Jabal al-Druze region of southern Syria, April 1940
Serbian paramilitary commander Ratko Mladić distributes food to Bosnian women. While journalists were taking this photo of him, his men were slaughtering 8000 men and boys, relatives of those same women. Srebrenica, July 1995.
ROK Military Police, KPA POW’s, and civilians recovering the bodies of dead Koreans that were massacred by retreating KPA troops in Hamhung during the Korean War, 1950
Russian book where Darth Vader comes to 1941 Earth and fights Nazis with Stalin. (2012)
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Borden’s Cream Cheese in ”Butter Dish” bars, 1960
”Area of Agreement – ATOMIC WAR COULD DESTROY CIVILIZATION – YOU SAID IT” – American cartoon made by Herbert Block (”The Washington Post”), April 1954
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“Before…” and “…After” – Palestinian Poster quoting the Balfour Declaration on its 100th Anniversary: “Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” by the Palestinian Mission to the UK (2017)
Choreographer George Balanchine and fans in Tblisi, Georgia, 1962
A Tiger I and two Camel Mk.IV walk into a bar in North Africa in 1943 and…
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