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My Mom & Dad going to a USAF Event (circa 1955)
“Total War – Shortest War” photo of a pro-war rally hosted by Joseph Goebbels in Berlin, who calls for a full mobilization of German civilian society to support the war effort after the lost Battle of Stalingrad (February 1943)(800×560)
«Chess of leaders and peoples» by Osama Hajjaj, 2017.
Serbian women from Toplica displaying the scars they received from being branded by Bulgarian soldiers after the failed Toplica Uprising in 1917. (1919 photo)(1024×754)
A German train derailed by the Polish Wawelberg Group during the Third Silesian Uprising, 1921 (893×694)
Peanut Butter Boppers (1986)
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Found in a retro Kodak Chicago handbag at a Family Thrift in Chicago
Chef Boyardee Pizza 60s
A beardless Charles Manson, sporting a shaved head in 1971
“Although the nationalist might be different All war crimes are the same”(1990’s)
French War bonds poster depicting a returned Alsace | 1916 Hansi
(Unknown date but likely 1940’s). I wish I never agreed to this Grand Canyon mule ride.”
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