German Battleship Gneisenau in Drydock at Kiel showing damage to her bow after being torpedoed by British Submarine HMS Clyde, 1940

By |2025-02-03T10:00:21-05:00February 3, 2025|Uncategorized|0 Comments

“While Revolutionaries as Individuals can be Murdered, You cannot kill Ideas” – Mural portraying Che Guevara, Thomas Sankara and James Connolly, in Beechmount Avenue, West Belfast (c. 2015)

By |2025-02-03T07:00:20-05:00February 3, 2025|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A matter of perspective. Commentary on how both sides of the Cold War saw themselves as standing small against a great threat. 1980s

By |2025-02-01T04:00:19-05:00February 1, 2025|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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