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Fetters (Nikolaya Bayev, 1967)
My grandmother, 1940’s.
Russian President Boris Yeltsin, dancing at a rock concert. Rostov, 1996. (2011)
Soviet soldier photographed wearing an SN-42 Steel breastplate body armor with three bullet impacts
“Soviet Threat”, soviet poster, 1980
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Frida Kahlo, a Mexican painter, with one of her pet spider monkeys (Mexico 1944)
“Cracker Power” George Wallace campaign poster (1968)
I say old chap, the action is indeed inspiriting!
“Cellar with supplies” poster from USSR (70s)
OMO ad from the 1950s. It was said that certain housewives would place a box of this in their windows if their Old Man was Out. :)
Indira gandhi the future prime minister of India on her wedding day in 1942 (2048×1365)
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