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A Chinese propaganda poster about Japan circa 2020.
A few months before the annexation, Konrad Henlein and other Sudeten German Party members welcoming German Chancellor Adolf Hitler during his visit to the Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia, February 1938 (1000×1411)
“Trying to Change the Umpiring”, American anti-Roosevelt cartoon during his “Court-Packing” plan, 1937
C. 2009, Serbia. Poster commemorating ten years since downing F-117 that contributed to their early retirement
Japanese Kamikaze slamming into the side of a U.S. ship off the coast of Okinawa. May 1945
“Drug addiction”, soviet poster, 1987
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Hulk Hogan vs. André the Giant which set a US record for ticket sales, PPV revenue, & largest indoor event, 1987
Avon Cosmetics, 1968
Industrial exhibition about substitutes for resources due to the blockade, Austria 1918 | Alfred Offner
Antonio Inoki vs Muhammad Ali – June 1976 –
Broomsticks Slacks. More than a little creepy. 1960’s
After the AIDS rape shower scandal, SA cartoonist Zapiro began drawing President Zuma with a small showerhead on his head. Zuma’s party threatened Zapiro with police, lawsuits, commissions and gangs, ordering him to stop drawing Zuma with the small showerhead. Zapiro drew this cartoon then (2010)
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