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In 1936, fire consumed Great Britain’s massive Crystal Palace, a cast iron and plate glass structure built for the Great Exhibition of 1851
My Father would’ve turned 100 today. Here he is in his 20s
A ground-level angle of Tank Man, he is standing on the left. The Chang’an Avenue, Beijing, June 5th, 1989.
Meet Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble at the Catonville Supermart (1969)
Fetters (Nikolaya Bayev, 1967)
“Drug addiction”, soviet poster, 1987
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Finally! Clothes for the possessed.
The marijuana smoker (1940)
US athlete Tommie Smith (#307) crosses the finish line in first place, in the final of the Men’s 200 m event at the 1968 Summer Olympics. Other runners competing in the final are silver medalist Peter Norman (#111) and bronze medalist John Carlos (#259) (Mexico City, Mexico 1968)
Chippewa girl, 1908. Photo by Roland Reed
Safe Sex Ad, Aboriginal Health Workers of Australia. 1990’s
Four astronauts pose for an official photo with some special headwear. All four of these men would later go to the Moon. Early 1966.
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