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Meal time at an orphanage in Osaka. Japan, 1951
South African sappers disarm German Teller mines in North Africa, January 12, 1942
“Never underestimate the power of a strong institutional image”1980s
‘Protection … against spray attack’ — American illustration from the Second World War (1943) showing a woman shooting at a plane during a gas attack.
Waffen SS soldier posed over looking the city.
Tail Wreckage of B-17G 42-31367 Nicknamed “Chow hound” found by a American engineer who discovered.
Air Force
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Barbu Lăutaru, a Romanian singer who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1852.
Girls matching Winter sets and gifts from Sears Wish Book, 1946
Satirical “wanted” poster for Brazilian Communist and anti-military dictatorship guerrila leader Carlos Marighella, late 1960s.
“This could be your daughter,” 1960s USA
(post 2) Women in arms: an armed nurse on the white side of the Finnish civil war, 1918
Jell-O Pudding and Pie Filling – Coconut Cream Style, 1955
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