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A remarkable three-person motorcycle was handmade in Poland in 1949 by Stanisław Skura, using salvaged parts from a crashed aircraft, a destroyed tank, and a damaged military truck. The vehicle’s engine was crafted from two cylinders cut off from a Me-109 aircraft. (1949)
My Great grandpa, on right in 1883
Field nurses of the 13th Field Hospital, first to arrive in Normandy to tend the wounded, take time for lunch, Omaha Beach, 1944 (Colourized)
Commemorative Pin made for the 1996 Olympics
North Korean Anti-American poster, 2018
Barracuda aircraft landing on HMS Formidable after attacking Tirpitz, Norwegian Sea, Aug 1944
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Barbu Lăutaru, a Romanian singer who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1852.
Girls matching Winter sets and gifts from Sears Wish Book, 1946
Satirical “wanted” poster for Brazilian Communist and anti-military dictatorship guerrila leader Carlos Marighella, late 1960s.
“This could be your daughter,” 1960s USA
(post 2) Women in arms: an armed nurse on the white side of the Finnish civil war, 1918
Jell-O Pudding and Pie Filling – Coconut Cream Style, 1955
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