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Youngster of the Hitlerjugend outside the monastery walls of Ardenne Abbey in July 1944. He is carrying an MG-42 configured as a light support weapon. American G.I.s called the MG-42 “Hitler’s buzz saw” because of the way it cut down troops in swaths.
March 18, 2003: Denmark’s Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, after being doused in red paint due to Denmark’s participation in the Iraq War (1240×826)
My father at 20 in 1928
Battlefield grave of an SS MG gunner at the Kursk salient, 1943
My grandparents at the dance where they met, 1948. They married a year later. Picture taken in London.
A man spends the night by his family tomb in the cemetery, as he and hundreds of other residents celebrate the Day of the Dead (Oaxaca, Mexico 1999)
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Eiffel Tower 1888
US 4.2-inch mortar during the Battle of the Bulge… December 1944.
One ride Yankee papa 13. Vietnam war, 1965. (1024×788)
” God is with us” Date unknown and author unknown
November, 1919 Ad for Log Cabin Syrup.
Woman being rescued from underneath the debris of the Blitz (1940 or 41)
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