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US soldiers play a game of darts during their free time in England, awaiting D-Day, June 1944.
1961 Pan American Airways advertisement.
Superman Ad against racism 1950s
In honor of Black History Month , this is the mugshot of Carl Braden. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison for buying a home in his name, in place of his friend (a veteran), because the real estate broker refused to sell to Negroes (1954)
Tareyton Cigarettes – February 1974
The body of Ludwig II Of Bavaria after his suicide by drowning in the starnberg See (1886) (424 x 599)
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Barbu Lăutaru, a Romanian singer who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1852.
Girls matching Winter sets and gifts from Sears Wish Book, 1946
Satirical “wanted” poster for Brazilian Communist and anti-military dictatorship guerrila leader Carlos Marighella, late 1960s.
“This could be your daughter,” 1960s USA
(post 2) Women in arms: an armed nurse on the white side of the Finnish civil war, 1918
Jell-O Pudding and Pie Filling – Coconut Cream Style, 1955
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