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My great grandmother in a promo photo for RKO Studios, 1930. Los Angeles, CA
“Let electricity do it”, United States 1936 (from the Milne Museum of Electricity)
Enver Hoxha in front of a picture of Stalin 1960s
Quadruple 14-inch (356 mm) turret of the battleship HMS King George V under construction. April 1940
“Don’t force girls to get married! Send them to school!” Transcaucasian SSR. 1928
“You can drive fast, BUT…” USSR, 1970s
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1959 Goodyear Ad
1987 Chicago, Lincoln Park Gun Club Charity Shoot to Benefit the House of the Good Shepherd.
A man spends the night by his family tomb in the cemetery, as he and hundreds of other residents celebrate the Day of the Dead (Oaxaca, Mexico 1999)
British Churchill Crocodile from the 79th Division assisting US soldiers in destroying German bunkers during the battle for the port of Brest… August-September 1944.
”The Achilles Heel” – political cartoon made by German-British cartoonist Victor Weisz, November 1942
‘Persian Melon’ 💅🏼💄by Revlon® (Cosmetics), Circa 1957
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