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“Let electricity do it”, United States 1936 (from the Milne Museum of Electricity)
Enver Hoxha in front of a picture of Stalin 1960s
Quadruple 14-inch (356 mm) turret of the battleship HMS King George V under construction. April 1940
“Don’t force girls to get married! Send them to school!” Transcaucasian SSR. 1928
My grandfather on his homestead in South Dakota. He emigrated from Hungary. I still have his shovel.
“You can drive fast, BUT…” USSR, 1970s
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Borden’s Cream Cheese in ”Butter Dish” bars, 1960
”Area of Agreement – ATOMIC WAR COULD DESTROY CIVILIZATION – YOU SAID IT” – American cartoon made by Herbert Block (”The Washington Post”), April 1954
Starshells or other pyrotechnics over Iwo Jima, night of 19 Feb 1945,
“Before…” and “…After” – Palestinian Poster quoting the Balfour Declaration on its 100th Anniversary: “Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine” by the Palestinian Mission to the UK (2017)
Choreographer George Balanchine and fans in Tblisi, Georgia, 1962
A Tiger I and two Camel Mk.IV walk into a bar in North Africa in 1943 and…
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