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Oscar Mayer ad (1978)
The wreckage of a jeep after running over a German anti-tank mine on the road to Saint Sever, France. 8/4/44. this picture shows you the incredible power of the blast
My Grandma in 1907
Workers heading out through gates of a shipyard for lunchtime break – behind them a ship under construction surrounded by timber scaffolding and cranes – Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom, c. 1944.
A column of US soldiers marching in the Ardenne, Belgium 1944. A GI is being ambushed by gravity
Political cartoon from 1912 US Presidential election
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Barbu Lăutaru, a Romanian singer who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1852.
Girls matching Winter sets and gifts from Sears Wish Book, 1946
Satirical “wanted” poster for Brazilian Communist and anti-military dictatorship guerrila leader Carlos Marighella, late 1960s.
“This could be your daughter,” 1960s USA
(post 2) Women in arms: an armed nurse on the white side of the Finnish civil war, 1918
Jell-O Pudding and Pie Filling – Coconut Cream Style, 1955
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