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Former vice-president Henry A. Wallace listening to Pete Seeger sing on a plane. US, 1948.
Excavations in Sultanahmet square, Istanbul/Constantinople, 1935
Romanian anti-NATO propaganda poster (1959) showing American hands placing a NATO label over a Nazi zombie’s head: ‘New label on old merchandise’.
American soldiers inspecting a collection of surrendered German firearms. Berchtesgaden, Germany, late April 1945.
Christmas of 1912 at the McCoy home. Robert, William Jr., and James McCoy pose near the decorated Christmas tree with their new toys nearby, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Imbecile Ward Keepers Wanted for Workhouse, Stepney, London, 1861
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“¡¡¡Ecce Europa!!!”, Satire of the Franco-Prussian War, “La Flaca” Magazine, Spain, 1870
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“Our Banner in the Sky” by Frederic Edwin Church – 1861
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John Quincy Adams – c. 1840 – the 6th POTUS
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King Umberto I of Italy, 1878
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Barbu Lăutaru, a Romanian singer who was active in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1852.
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Cholera Warning on the Oregon Trail in the 1840’s
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Eiffel Tower 1888
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