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My grandmother sometime in the 1940s :)
Bizarre Book Service (1956)
Former vice-president Henry A. Wallace listening to Pete Seeger sing on a plane. US, 1948.
Excavations in Sultanahmet square, Istanbul/Constantinople, 1935
Romanian anti-NATO propaganda poster (1959) showing American hands placing a NATO label over a Nazi zombie’s head: ‘New label on old merchandise’.
”The Hun Cowardly Bully at Work” – Canadian cartoon (artist: Arthur George Racey) showing Hitler punching the Angel of Peace, 1938
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Two astronauts laugh with Pad Leader Gunther Wendt at Kennedy Space Center a few hours before the launch of Apollo 14. The helmet was a ‘gag gift’ from the astronauts, referring to Wendt’s service in the Luftwaffe during World War 2. January 31, 1971.
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Munition workers of Allied countries are hitting back at Hitler through British factories! – British WW2 poster.
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Belgian Nazi Propaganda Poster: showing SS symbol knifing through Flemish lion, 1940s
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2008 – You don’t recognize nazis at first sight
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The body of Hermann Göring, Oct. 16, 1946. (2845 × 2208)
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World War 2 vets at the Legion. My wife’s uncles.
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Siniristi (Blue Cross) was a Finnish Nazi magazine published between 1931 & 1939
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Their Death is the Birthday of World Peace! Japan, WW2
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”THE RED BOGY” – anti-Nazi cartoon made by Polish-American artist Arthur Szyk, circa November 1943
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The body of The Goebbels family 1945. (1080 × 763)
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Poster for Thirteenth Naval District, United States Navy, showing a snake representing Japan being bombed by an eagle. An example of American propaganda during World War II. (Phil Von Phul; December 1941)
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My great grandfather. Photo taken while at Ashford General Hospital after his plane was downed some time in WWII.
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Wehrmacht Troops Drinking; Circa 1940
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US 4.2-inch mortar during the Battle of the Bulge… December 1944.
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