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Waffen SS soldier posed over looking the city.
Das Firmenschild – The Party Sign (1931)
Irish soldiers preforming a stop and search. c.1940
“Cover your hair for safety – Your Russian sister does!” London, United Kingdom, 1941.
Randy Weaver, target of the Ruby Ridge siege, points to bullet holes in his cabin door during his testimony before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Sept 6, 1995. His wife, Vickie, was killed after FBI sniper fire penetrated the door while she was holding her infant daughter.
Strike photo taken from USS Intrepid aircraft showing severe damage to the runways and the surrounding areas on Roi Island, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1 Feb 1944.
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Commonwealth tank crews being instructed on their newly delivered M3 Grant medium tanks. Early 1942, North Africa.
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Fidel Castro and Agostinho Neto, leader of MPLA, July 1976. Cuba became the most important ally of MPLA in the Angolan civil war, sending up to 350,000 soldiers to fight the UNITA, backed by US and South Africa
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German troops involved in street fighting in the destroyed streets of Stalingrad in 1943. 80 years ago.
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“At a rest stop.” Frenchmen liberated by Soviet troops from Nazi camps are returning to their homeland. 1945. Photo by Ryumkin.
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Destroyed Stalingrad. Soviet soldiers on the background of a destroyed building. 1942. Photo by Ryumkin.
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Danish troops on bicycle ride towards advancing German units during the invasion of Denmark, 9 April 1940. Less than 20 Germans and 16 Danes would be killed during the 2-hour long invasion of the country.
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Soviet anti-tank gunners during a battle in the area between Kharkov and Belgorod, 1943. Photo by Ryumkin.
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Soviet tankmen of the 6th Seperate Guards Heavy Tank Regiment at rest in East Prussia, April 1945.
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Young German soldier WW2
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Tanks and mounted troops advance to break up a Bonus Marchers’ camp of veterans protesting lost wages in Washington D.C., July 28, 1932.
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German soldier laying down aiming his gun, 1940’s
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Casualties next to Vought F4U Corsairs on the flight deck of USN aircraft carrier USS Bunker Hill after being attacked by 2 Japanese kamikazes, May 11th 1945.
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USS Ticonderoga steams down Puget Sound, Washington, United States on her trials after substantial repairs from battle damage, Apr 16, 1945.
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On the right in the photo is Ilyin Nikolai Yakovlevich, sniper, Hero of the Soviet Union. He was killed in action on August 4, 1943. He finished with a totally of 494, making him one of the best snipers of WW2.
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South Vietnamese rebel troops take up positions in the yard of the presidential palace, residence of President Ngo Dinh Diem, in Saigon, South Vietnam, Nov. 1, 1963. Diem and his brother Nhu escaped the coup but were captured in the aftermath of the overthrow. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)
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Maria “Masha” Bruskina, a nurse with the Russian resistance, before her execution by hanging. The placard reads: “We are the partisans who shot German troops”, Minsk, 26 October 1941. She was 17.
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Jewish mothers walking with children past the barracks and the electrified barbed wire destined for the gas chambers at Auschwitz on May 27th, 1944.
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North American P-51D Mustang takes off from USS Shangri-La (CV-38) during a test flight on 15 November 1944.
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USN Seaplane Tender USS Onslow (AVP-48) refueling a Martin PBM Mariner, December 1944.
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