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My grandmother sometime in the 1940s :)
Bizarre Book Service (1956)
Former vice-president Henry A. Wallace listening to Pete Seeger sing on a plane. US, 1948.
Excavations in Sultanahmet square, Istanbul/Constantinople, 1935
Romanian anti-NATO propaganda poster (1959) showing American hands placing a NATO label over a Nazi zombie’s head: ‘New label on old merchandise’.
My 5th Great Grandmother
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Family photo – estate sale find
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All In Favor Of “Gun Control” Raise Your Right Hand (1991)
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My grandfather. He died way before I was born.
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She says that she’s 37 years old.
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Support the Civilized Man, Support Israel (2012)
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My beautiful mother when she was a young woman.
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One of The Worst Candies Ever
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American Anti-Communist propaganda. (1961)
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Central Council for Health Education (1965)
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Texas Department of Health (1986)
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My Great Great Great Grandad George
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My Grandma at training for her first job. The only woman out of 300 people at the company
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ABC After School Special: The Day My Kid Went Punk
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A great, great uncle: WWI Thought the cigarette was a nice touch
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Interesting product placement
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“Alexamenos worships his god” – ancient Roman graffiti mocking a Christian named Alexamenos (1st-3rd century A.D.)
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The Marathon Bar (1973 -1981)
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COMING SOON (Isis or Isis Sympathizer created propaganda warning of the expansion of the Islamic Caliphate State on to the United States) (2014-2015)
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A daguerreotype of John Brown taken by African-American photographer Augustus Washington in Springfield, Massachusetts, c. 1846–1847. Brown is holding the hand-colored flag of Subterranean Pass Way, his militant counterpart to the Underground Railroad.
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